God Is God
An Epiphany
"... When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him." - Isaiah 59:19
The Hebrew word for “flood” here is nahar. It means a stream or river. I assumed it would mean a gigantic, overflowing pool of water that is unstoppable & inconquerable. But no. The BEST the enemy can do – his idea of a flood – is a little ol stream.
Look at these pictures.
Now tell me, what is a little stream in comparison to the One who made entire OCEANS!
The Hebrew word for “lift up a standard” here is nuwc (“noos”). It means to escape, depart, disappear, put to flight. God will dissipate the floods of the enemy, and allow you to escape without knick or scratch under His covering.
When the enemy is threatening attack, remember this verse and realize the infinite ability of your God, versus the pathetic streams of the devil. And just as all rivers must run into the ocean, so will the enemy HAVE TO return to the Ocean and succumb to It's ebb and flow.
Lord, raise Your standard! Amen
A Drink from the River

I Did It!

1 Year!

He took me to Benihaha's in Burlingame. He brought me flowers & we just had such a good time being out together. He looked fiiiine, too :)
Friday night update
To open up, we did sort of a Reality in a Box, but just switched up a bit. Erik & Anthony helped us out - we all gave a really condensed version of our testimony; the areas where we struggled to attain purity. Whether it was mental, sexual or spiritual purity or purity of the heart, we all shared with passion. I went on to explain the reason for sharing the impurities in our lives. Anything we think or do that is contrary to the Word of God creates impurity in our lives.
For altar call, we did a song called Start A Fire. It was cool that we did that song; I hadn't heard it in a long time, but I've always loved that song. I was singing by myself, just me & piano. Part of me wanted to be nervous cause I don't like to sing alone, but God is helping me learn to rely on Him in worship times just as much as I would in any other situation. So I decided to relax & enjoy the song I love so much. As I did, God reminded me of one of the lines in the song - it says, "Burn away the dross, holy fire of God." I remember the 1st time I heard that song, I didn't really know what that meant, so I decided to look it up. I'm glad I did cause it came in handy tonight. When transforming gold from earthen mineral to precious metal they place the mineral form over a flame & just keep turning up the heat. When they do this, all the impurities come out. They have to come out, they have no choice. Dross is all the impurities that are burned out, so that the gold becomes more precious, more perfected. I shared this with everyone, and after that, I guess I felt more... prophetic? I don't know, something kind of changed.
Anyway, it was just a great night. Thank You, Lord!