
Fresh Manna

Well, I just woke up, oddly enough. Its 5:00 AM on the dot, and if any of you all know me, Im NOT naturally a morning person...
The spiritual warfare is strong. Well, since I'm up, I'll read today's journal:

- Luke 5:2 - even though there was chaos & people all around him, Jesus still saw the boats. He still sees YOU. No detail is too minute for Him.
- 5:3 - God will use whatever He sees that you have to offer: a boat, a dollar, a hand.
- 5:4 - They had to move the location of the boat - to "deep water" - in order to see change. Realize this did not require simply pressing a button, or just by chance catching the wind at the right time to whisk them away... Taking that boat back out to sea was a laborious process - one we know they had JUST completed, as the boats sat at harbor.
- 5:5 - Are you that quick to do what He says? Peter didn't even know Jesus or His character yet, but he STILL was that quick to obey. "Sounds weird, but if You say to do it then... OK, of course I will."
- 5:8 - You know you're in the true presence of God when people begin to confess, unprompted, of their own volition.
- 5:11 - They left it all to follow Jesus. This was right after they got that HUGE catch - the catch of their lives - the right time to turn a profit. Please realize then, that following Jesus cost them the largest profit-making day of their lives. People are always willing to follow a God they cannot see when things are hard - there is no fish, no profit, no where to stay. Are you willing to follow Him when times ARE good? When you have what you need, when you are provided for? These 3 men became the closest to men to Jesus - His best friends and disciples... Follow Him in the bad times, but follow more closely in the good. 
- 5:16 - Jesus knew the importance of corem deo with His Father - remaining face to face. Even when people were screaming His Name & He was the biggest celebrity (which He WAS!) He would still make sure to steal away & find His secret place. How much more important is it then for me to do the same?

Lord, help me to consider these things today as I go about my schedule. Interrupt my day and show me where You want me to go; what You want me to do. I love that song that says, "Where You go, I go; What You say, I say." Let that be my anthem today. I love You and I know You have Your hand & Your protection over my body and mind. With You by my side there is no such thing as failure.

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